What do you want from childbirth preparation?


Pinkpeas offers many childbirth classes, workshops, meetings, and circles, including:


Bradley Method® Childbirth Classes

Comprehensive Childbirth Education.
The Bradley Method® series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention. Classes are 12 weeks, covering 12 units of instruction. The Student Workbook is included with classes. It has over 130 pages with over 75 pictures and illustrations. 

By taking classes in The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth, you will learn about: Prenatal Nutrition & Exercise, Relaxation for Easier Birth, Husbands/Partners as Coaches, Birth Plans and more!

[Read more] or visit Corrine's profile on the BradleyBirth.com website. 


Spinning Babies® logo

Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educator

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

Pregnancy can be more comfortable, and birth can be easier
Take this Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class to learn the why and how to increase comfort for pregnancy and your ease in birthing. Your Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator is specially trained to take you and your birth partner through techniques to balance muscles and release tension.  

In this class you will learn Daily Activities and movements to bring comfort to your pregnancy, including Move Smart℠ – tips for walking, standing, getting in and out of the car without sparking sciatica, and more! Rest Smart℠ – because Gravity works 24/7. Play the flashlight game. Why how you sit matters,  get hands-on help with the Three Balances℠ – enhance relaxation and ease with The Jiggle, and make more space available with the Forward-leaning Inversion and the Side-Lying Release, and finally, learn how to help baby navigate the three levels of the pelvis in labor.  

Visit Corrine's profile on the SpinningBabies.com website. 


The BRM Body Ready Birth Workshop logo

BRM® Body Ready Birth Workshop

Stack the cards in your favor for your most efficient birth!
The Body Ready Birth workshop is a 4 hour live class with unlimited access to additional movement videos and printable PDFs to supplement and reinforce your in-person learning, and to take with you for your birth. You will have the tools to create a supple and strong body specifically for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery. BRM® Birth Preparation gives you and your partner the tools to access pelvis-opening movements that become intuitive muscle-memory, through practice and familiarity.  You and your partner will be equipped with THE SAME understanding of the physiology of birth, with special focus on the 3 levels of your dynamic pelvis, and 8 core movements, that can be combined into 4 (or countless) positions to make more space available for your baby and your most efficient birth. 

Find your WHY through inner-work and communication exercises.  Find the WHAT of tuning your nervous system to access your intuitive labor flow state, and find the HOW to identify where baby is in the pelvis, and what positions and movements can make birth more comfortable and efficient.   

 Visit Corrine's profile on the BodyReadyMethod.com website. 


Comfort and Connection for Birth and Beyond

Comfort and Connection for Birth and Beyond

 Tying it all together!  

You are investing deeply in your best possible pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery.  Now take those same tools to the next level with a deep understanding of a calm and regulated nervous system, individually and relationally, through deliberate and mindful connecting, personally, as a couple, and with every member of the family.  You will pull together your knowledge and skills including breathing, moving, and touch, and the simple and accessible tools for comfort, support, and connection that you have been preparing for your birth, and apply them to your whole family, and for the rest of your life.  

Using the inner-work of attention and reflection, you will be able to identify and locate:
Exhaustion, hunger, tension, restriction, and pain,
Stress, decision fatigue, and executive-function overload,
Blues, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and fear, 
Apathy, inadequacy, guilt, shame, and more.  

Using narration and communication tools such as prayer and meditation, journaling, and speaking and listening, you can enhance the whole family’s respect for each person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, and know when and how to seek outside resources for additional help.  


La Leche League of Las Vegas

La Leche League of Las Vegas Monthly Meetings

Breastfeeding Information and Support

La Leche League Leaders offer monthly meetings and are available by phone if you have breastfeeding questions that cannot wait until the next meeting. Please feel free to call your Las Vegas La Leche League Leader. She can give breastfeeding support and information as well as offer meeting locations and times.

Monthly meetings and phone help are always free. You are welcome to call a Leader for breastfeeding information or support, and attend La Leche League meetings, without becoming a member. La Leche League Leaders are volunteers – experienced mothers who are trained by 
La Leche League International to help mothers and mothers-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding. 
[Read more] or visit the Facebook pages for LLL of Las Vegas, Pahrump, and Southwest Las Vegas.   


ICAN International Cesarean Awareness Network

ICAN of Southern NevadaICAN of Southern Nevada Monthly Meetings

International Cesarean Awareness Network

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).

ICAN of Southern Nevada chapter coLeaders offer monthly meetings and are available by phone if you have questions that cannot wait until the next meeting. Please feel free to call your ICAN of Southern Nevada chapter coLeader. She can give support and information about primary and repeat cesareans, VBACs, cesarean recovery, and avoiding unnecessary cesareans, as well as offer meeting locations and times.

Monthly meetings and phone help are always free. You are welcome to call a coLeader for information or support, and attend ICAN meetings, without becoming a member. ICAN chapter leaders are volunteers – experienced mothers who are trained by ICAN to help mothers and mothers-to-be. 
Visit ICAN of Southern Nevada on Facebook. 


Mothers' Circle

FREE Weekly Mothers' Circles, Park Days, and Moms' Night Out

Thursdays at 7pm at Chiropractic for Life
This is the secret sauce of Pinkpeas.  The cost is FREE, but the value is PRICELESS.  

Every Thursday at 7pm mothers arrive, sometimes alone, and sometimes with their children and/or support people, to discuss the topic of the day, and then whatever is on their minds and hearts.  This is where park days, play groups, moms' night outs, and LIFELONG FRIENDSHIPS are made.  Come find your tribe, and discover what you didn't know you needed.