The Riches 2022 HTML













With thanks to my friends and sisters who are known as the Classed moms, to my children who taught me most of all, to my husband who still loves me in spite of my uncountable failings, and to the Pinkpeas moms who continue to humble me by showing up.

Thank God for you all!


What is TRUE?

What is GOOD? 


Welcome to The Riches 2022 – Pinkpeas’ help for mothers who are considering homeschooling or community/cooperative schooling.




¹ ¹ About This Booklet  ¹ ¹

I have decided to format this document as a booklet, so that what we are doing can be reproduced by any person or group who wishes to make a co-op. You are welcome and encouraged to take any of the ideas we have incorporated, and use them any way you wish. Specifically, I will be so glad if the participants of the co-op that I am organizing TAKE what you have learned from participating in our co-op, and SHARE (modify, improve, apply) it to your own co-op in your church community, neighborhood, and friend groups! That is the purpose! GROW your and your community’s confidence in the practical ideas of preschool co-op and homeschooling! I sincerely hope and pray that you will discover your new best friends here, and that this co-op will splinter and grow into a beautiful prism of other co-ops that CONTINUE for years to come.



¹ ¹ Table of Contents  ¹ ¹


About the Booklet                                    3

About Our Co-op                                      5

About Pinkpeas                                         6

About Gathering                                       7

This is a Christian Group                          8

About Our Philosophy                              8

The COST                                                 9

Intellectual Property                                 10

What to Bring                                           11

The BOOKS                                             11

Other Books and Resources                     12

Facebook                                                   13

The Flow                                                   14

Dona Nobis Pacem                                   15

Opening Prayer                                         16

Opening Announcements                         17

Folk Songs                                                17

Proverbs                                                    18

Rhymes and Poetry                                   19

Phonics Cards                                           20

Short Stories                                             21

The Gospel of John                                   22

Psalmody                                                  25

Show and Tell                                           26

Closing Announcements                           26

Closing Prayer                                           27

Fellowship and Discussion                       27

The Wind in the Willows                          28

Liberty                                                      29



¹ ¹ About Our Co-op ¹ ¹


The Riches 2022 is a 12 week co-op for the purpose of demonstrating the simplicity, ease, and beauty of a Charlotte Mason style group learning time [morning basket, symposium, co-op] to mothers who are considering homeschooling, or forming a community cooperative preschool, especially geared to mothers of children ages nearly 4 to almost 7, though many mothers come with many children, and these ideas are easy to expand to larger families and groups and all ages. See Ambleside Online, and especially AO for Groups.

I wish to accomplish two “first things” – to demonstrate doing “morning time” with children, in the presence and attention of their mothers, and to also show the mothers that they, too, should add “mother culture” to their day. The “next things” I wish to do is to LOVE these mothers – my neighbors and friends, help them find REST in this good work that is motherhood, so that they don’t just survive, but thrive, and point them to JESUS.


w w Thank you for considering our little co-op!  w w

Whether you join us or not, please spread the word to other mothers who are considering their preschool or homeschool choices, and PLEASE PRAY for our success, as we come to your mind.

Corrine Flatt



¹ ¹ About Pinkpeas ¹ ¹

Pinkpeas is a Christian Pregnancy and Parenting Care Group. We provide complete, low-cost, no-stress pregnancy care to women and their families, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere, and provide space for groups that serve the needs of pregnant women and families with young children.  We also provide midwifery care, Bradley Method® Childbirth Classes, Spinning Babies® Parent Classes, breastfeeding helping, La Leche League meetings, cesarean and VBAC information, ICAN – International Cesarean Awareness meetings, trauma support, postpartum support, mothering and parenting support, and we love participating in the best healthy food co-ops, and helping women be detectives in their own continuing health journey.



If you ever have any

questions, concerns, or problems,

PLEASE call us right away!

Corrine – 702-822-2229

Kate – 702-203-4803

Maggie – 702-241-4753




¹ ¹ About Gathering ¹ ¹

w This is an IN PERSON preschool co-op group.
w Our super-secret Facebook group is not a place for lurkers and non-participants. You can find the link to our Facebook below, under FACEBOOK.

w Every Monday, from the 12th of September until at least the 5th of December 2022, EXCEPT the 31st of October, we will be meeting at

w Rotary Park, 901 Hinson St, Las Vegas NV 89107. 
w We will start promptly at 9am, and strongly recommend that you plan to arrive 30 minutes early, to set up and get some of the wiggles out. Feel free to arrive with coffee, breakfast, bed hair and in pajamas!

w w w If you find that you will be late, please consider skipping this week, or do your best to join us in the least interruptive way possible. If you find that you are regularly late, please more strongly consider that this is not the co-op for you – it strongly affects the morale the group, and especially me.

w There will for sure be toddlers and preschoolers bringing their nasty germs non-symptomatically to our co-op. Please do whatever you can to strengthen your immune system, which might include NOT social distancing from all of the germy toddlers. If there are symptomatically sick people in your house, please do not attend this week! Stay home and rest and eat lots of oranges!



¹ ¹ This is a Christian Group ¹ ¹

w Pinkpeas provides Christian Pregnancy and Parenting Care to mothers and their families in group settings.

w You don't have to be Christian to join this group, but you do need to be really cool with Christians PRAYING and talking about JESUS and other Christian stuff around you and your kids.

w You do not need to be an attender of other Pinkpeas meetings, groups, or events.

w You are also welcome to attend if you are not the mother of a preschool aged child, if your intention is to respectfully learn, and/or kindly help.



¹ ¹ About Our Philosophy ¹ ¹

w This is a Charlotte Mason inspired group.

w For this co-op, our foundational primary ideas will align with, and may touch on the Bible, Nicene Creed, Westminster Shorter Catechism, Charlotte Mason, Classical Christian Education, Classical Liberal Arts Education, Five in a Row and Before Five in a Row, hymnody and psalmody, liberty and anarcho-capitalism, Swedish drill, loving guidance and “time-in” and much, much more. 

w You don't have to be a Charlotte Mason homeschooler to join this group, but this group is for moms with kids ages almost 4 to not quite 7 years old, and you need to be really cool with learning more about Charlotte Mason and Ambleside Online (and a few other CM places.) We will also be using some ideas from Five in a Row and Before Five in a Row, and we will be discussing Classical Christian Homeschooling.



¹ ¹ The COST ¹ ¹


w This is a FREE group.


w Let me repeat myself – this co-op is FREE. The cost to participate in our little co-op is RESPECT and KINDNESS.

w We are all volunteers. This is an entirely free group. You get out of it what you put into it! Be kind, lend a helping hand, and PARTICIPATE!

w Each and every week you will see the good, the bad, and the ugly amongst the mothers and children who attend.  I want you to come when you are a hot mess! If you see a mom who is having a bad or ugly moment (or year or life) please be a good neighbor, and lend her a helping hand, and when she comes to your mind PRAY for her, and reserve your temptation to harshly judge. If you really, really need to “tell someone”, please speak to Corrine or Kate or Maggie, or call or text.

w w w Furthermore, any sharing personal information including photos or video or audio recordings, or any gossiping outside of this group, and especially any “reporting to the authorities” is strictly forbidden. If you have ever done such a thing FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER and have not repented, then just don’t ever come to this co-op – you are not ever welcome among us.




If you ever have any

questions, concerns, or problems,

PLEASE call us right away!

Corrine – 702-822-2229

Kate – 702-203-4803

Maggie – 702-241-4753




¹ ¹ Intellectual Property ¹ ¹


w The IDEAS are FREE!

w The IDEAS we are exploring in this group are FREE for you to do with as you wish – no strings attached!

w If you don’t like what we are doing, PLEASE FEEL FREE to make your own co-op. You are welcome and encouraged to take any of the ideas we have incorporated, and use them any way you wish.

w TAKE what you have learned from participating in our co-op, and SHARE (modify, improve, apply) it to your own little co-op in your church community, neighborhood, and friend groups! That is the purpose! GROW your and your community’s confidence in the practical ideas of preschool co-op and homeschooling! I sincerely hope and pray that you will discover your new best friends here, and that this co-op will splinter and grow into a beautiful prism of other co-ops that CONTINUE for years to come.

w All of these ideas have come through my friends and sisters who have traveled this “Classical Liberal Arts” and Charlotte Mason inspired philosophy of home educating our children. Where possible, I have linked sources to everything I share. 




If you ever have any

questions, concerns, or problems,

PLEASE call us right away!

Corrine – 702-822-2229

Kate – 702-203-4803

Maggie – 702-241-4753




¹ ¹ What to Bring ¹ ¹


w What to BRING – and what to NOT BRING

w Bring water and snacks, a blanket or camp-chairs, very quiet lap toys/activities, hand soap, regular baby wipes or antibacterial hand wipes, a shabby towel, hats, sunscreen…

w And wear clothes that can get wet and dirty – including water shoes for the children. I highly recommend that you prioritize that your children should wear shoes at all times!

w Please DO NOT bring screens, or noisy, expensive, or beloved items for your children.

w w w Stuff is going to get lost, broken, wet, and dirty.


¹ ¹ The BOOKS ¹ ¹

w Used copies of the books on our booklist are PREFERRED.

w Purchasing or bringing the books is NOT required to join our little co-op, and some moms will choose to leave their books safely at home, or choose library books, e-books, or audiobooks. Having said all of that, I strongly recommend purchasing print books for at least the first three books on this list.

w Our primary booklist for this year includes:

The World Treasury of Children's Literature Book One – or the combined book One and Two.

Go In and Out the Window: An Illustrated Songbook For Children

Morning Time: A Liturgy of Love

The Wind in the Willows – any original and unabridged edition is fine. There are free audiobook recordings on YouTube.


w w w  This year we will learn to sing AND SIGN four of the lyrical psalms on O Be Exalted High, O God DVD  w or w  audio download.  You don’t neeeeeeed to buy this, but buying one of these versions will help greatly with practicing these at home.



¹ ¹ Other Books and Resources ¹ ¹

w THE BIBLE – I use NKJV through 4th grade, then KJV for 5th grade and beyond. However, I strongly believe that the Bible you own is the best choice for you, and your husband’s favorite Bible is the best choice for your family. (My husband prefers the “pre-2011 editions of the NIV Bible”, but they are getting hard to find on the used market.)


O Be Exalted High, O God DVD  w or w  audio download.
Child-Sized Masterpieces

Cursive First

The Family Worship Book by Terry L. Johnson
The Trinity Psalter
Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues by Ron Paul
Direct Citizen Action by James Ostrowski

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons by Timothy Snyder

The music of Andrew Remillard

 – especially: Alexandria, Amsterdam, Ash Grove, and Trust
The music of the Scottish Festival Singers

w Soooo maaaaaany webpages. It would be awesome if a few of you (who don’t include me) will keep a running collection of the webpages we reference as we go along, in a pinned thread in our super-secret Facebook Group.



¹ ¹ Facebook ¹ ¹

w I highly recommend that you immediately go to Facebook and “like” the Pinkpeas PAGE and then while you are there, click on […], [Follow Settings], and [Favorites], and then “join” the GROUPS – Pinkpeas Mother Culture, and Mere Motherhood, because there are two kinds of questions you will be asking – easy and good. I can easily answer easy questions, but when you ask a good question, I will most likely say, “Wow! That is a good question! You should ask that on the Pinkpeas Mother Culture or the Mere Motherhood group, and tag me.” 

w Finally, here is the link to our super-secret Facebook group.

¹ ¹ The Flow ¹ ¹


Every Monday morning at 9am, we will begin working our way through this material.  I intend to go very fast, so that we don’t loose anyone’s attention.

w  Dona Nobis Pacem

w  Opening prayer

w  Opening announcements

w  Last week’s song

w  This week’s song

w  Proverbs

w  Last week’s rhymes or poetry

w  This week’s rhymes or poetry

w  Phonics cards

w  Story

w  John

w  Psalm singing

w  Show and Tell

w  Closing announcements

w  Closing prayer

w  Fellowship & discussion

w  The Wind in the Willows

w  Liberty



¹ ¹ Dona Nobis Pacem ¹ ¹


This is a lovely opener.

“Dona nobis pacem” means “give us peace.”

Hear this music on YouTube. And here, here, here….


This image of the sheet music for piano and guitar and so much more content is on





¹ ¹ Opening Prayer ¹ ¹


Most often a Collect, and usually either from my stack of

Prayers For Life Cards, or from a Book of Common Prayer.


Three examples of Collect prayers;


Almighty and most merciful God, grant that by the indwelling of your Holy Spirit we may be enlightened and strengthened for your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen


O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen



¹ ¹ Opening Announcements ¹ ¹


w  Usually just housekeeping notes.

w  Advanced notice of calendar events.

w  Passing out cards for prayer requests.




¹ ¹ Folk Songs ¹ ¹


This year, we are primarily using Go In and Out the Window: An Illustrated Songbook For Children
Beth’s Notes has amazing resources, including links to YouTube

9/12     ♫ Go In and Out the Window, p47 and Beth’s Notes

9/19     ♫ Simple Gifts, p120

9/26     ♫ Home On the Range, p56

10/3     ♫ Oh, How Lovely is the Evening, p96 and Beth’s Notes

10/10   ♫ Skye Boat Song, p126

10/17   ♫ Sweet Betsy from Pike, p128

10/17   ¹ I Had a Little Nut Tree, p65 ¹

10/24   ♫ Eensy Weensy Spider, p38 also Beth’s Notes

11/7     ♫ Oh! Dear!, p94

11/14   ♫ Green Grow the Rushes-O, p48

11/21   ♫ We Gather Together, p138 and Call & Respond, and AR

11/28   ♫ The Riddle Song, p110

11/28   ♫ Skip to My Lou, p124

12/5     ♫ The Fox, p42

12/5     ♫ Oh, Mary and the Baby, Sweet Lamb

¹ ¹ Proverbs ¹ ¹


w  One super cool thing about Proverbs is that there are 31 chapters, and if you spend time in your Bible even 4 days per week, and read the chapter of Proverbs matching today’s date, you are likely to read each chapter about 5 times per year. You are never behind.

w  There is no need to memorize large swatches of Proverbs, however, when I am working on penmanship, choosing one verse from Proverbs is a nice warm-up writing practice, and helps it stick in my mind.

w  THE BIBLE – I use NKJV through 4th grade, then KJV for 5th grade and beyond. However, I strongly believe that the Bible you own is the best choice for you, and your husband’s favorite Bible is the best choice for your family. (My husband prefers the “pre-2011 editions of the NIV Bible”, but they are getting hard to find on the used market.)

w  This year, we are reading NKJV, and the chapters of Proverbs that match our meeting dates, though I have selected 6-12 specific verses to read aloud, so that this will go more quickly in our group.


9/12     …  Proverbs 12:4, 10, 11, 14, 22. 25. 26, 28

9/19     …  Proverbs 19:1, 5, 9, 11, 13-15, 18, 20, 23

9/26     …  Proverbs 26:4, 14, 16, 18-20, 22, 28

10/3     …  Proverbs 3:5, 6, 13-19

10/10   …  Proverbs 10:1, 12, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28

10/17   …  Proverbs 17:1, 6, 13, 17, 22, 27, 28

10/24   …  Proverbs 24:1, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 28, 29

11/7     …  Proverbs 7:4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 27

11/14   …  Proverbs 14:1, 7, 15, 21, 23, 25, 31

11/21   …  Proverbs 21:2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 31

11/28   …  Proverbs 28: 6, 9, 13, 19, 20, 26

12/5     …  Proverbs  5: 1, 2, 15, 18, 19, 21



¹ ¹ Rhymes and Poetry ¹ ¹


w  For most children, this will be their FAVORITE part of The Riches. Select about 5 minutes of new rhymes or poetry to read most every day for a week, and also read last week’s selections. These treasures will be with your children forever!

w  This year we are using The World Treasury of Children's Literature Book One for all of our rhymes and poetry and literature.


9/12 & 9/19                 ¹ A wise old owl, p5

9/12 & 9/19                 ¹ Awake, arise, p5

9/19 & 9/26                 ¹ Baa, baa, black sheep, p6

9/19 & 9/26                 ¹ Barber, barber, p6

9/26 & 10/3                 ¹ For want of a nail, p8

10/3 & 10/10               ¹ Goosey, goosey gander, p9

10/3 & 10/10               ¹ Here’s Tom Thumb, p10

10/10 & 10/17             ¹ Hey diddle, diddle, p10

10/10 & 10/17             ¹ Hot cross buns! P11

10/17 & 10/24             ¹ I had a little nut tree, p12, (♫ p65)

10/17 & 10/24             ¹ Little Boy Blue, p15

10/24 & 11/7               ¹ Little Jack Horner, p15

10/24 & 11/7               ¹ Little Miss Muffet, p15

10/24 & 11/7               ¹ Little Polly Flinders, p16

11/7 & 11/14               ¹ There Was a Young Lady, p51

11/7 & 11/14               ¹ The Goops, p102

11/14 & 11/21             ¹ General Store, p107

11/21 & 11/28             ¹ Mr. ‘Gator, p264

11/28 & 12/5               ¹ The Swing, p157

12/5….                        ¹ Old Mother Hubbard, p18



¹ ¹ Phonics Cards ¹ ¹


w  I will be spending about 5 minutes each week demonstrating teaching phonics. This is the phonics program that I put together for my own children, and the way that I taught all of my children to read. The instructions for my phonics cards are available to you for free.

w  Corrine’s Homeschool Phonics Cards Instructions


¹ ¹ Short Stories ¹ ¹


w  Here is my nod to Five in a Row (FiaR) and Before Five in a Row (BFiaR). The FiaR/BFiaR idea is to read the same short story each day for a week, and each day add an extra activity to make connections between the story and the child’s world. It turns out that trying extra hard to make connections is completely unnecessary – children are already great at this –  but it can be a nice segue to full Charlotte Mason, especially when you have skeptical family watching you. “Look, Grandma! Blueberry muffins and a craft project of a bear made out of edible paste and dryer lint!”

w  An example would be, reading “Blueberries for Sal” each day for a week, and on one day adding blueberries to each meal, on another day finding everything blue in the house, on another day doing a craft project with blue fabric, string, paint, etc., on another day looking in books or on the internet to learn more about bears, on another day to learn about Maine or New England, find songs about bears, etc. 

w  The internet is RICH with unit studies that use short stories as prompts. Maybe begin with Pinterest or Instagram or just a web search. PLEASE SHARE what you find in our super-secret Facebook group! Take photos! Make a reel and tag me!

w  This year we are using The World Treasury of Children's Literature Book One for all of our rhymes and poetry and literature.


9/12                 & Play With Me, p98

9/19                 & A Hole Is To Dig, p123

9/26                 & The Husband Who Was to Mind the House, p120

10/3                 & Hi Cat!, p149

10/10               & The Little House, p85

10/17               & The Story of Babar, p133

10/24               & Issun Boshi, The Inchling, p143

11/7                 & Androcles, p43

11/14               & The Letter, p206

11/21               & The Story of Ferdinand, p210

11/28               & Curious George, p179

12/5                 & A Visit from Saint Nicholas, p130



¹ ¹ The Gospel of John ¹ ¹

w  It is my intention that you and any children over the age of 10 can strive to memorize five passages from the Gospel of John over these 12 weeks. Of course this is completely optional, and there will not be a performance or recitation, nor trophies or candy!

w THE BIBLE – I use the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV) through 4th grade, then KJV for 5th grade and beyond. However, I strongly believe that the Bible you own is the best choice for you, and your husband’s favorite Bible is the best choice for your family. (My husband prefers the “pre-2011 editions of the NIV Bible”, but they are getting hard to find on the used market.)

All of these passages are New King James Version (NKJV)

9/12 – 10/3                  … John 4:11-15

10/3 – 10/24                … John 3:3-8

10/24 – 11/14              … John 6:47-51, John 14:21

11/14 – 12/5                … John 1:1-14


John 4:11-15

11 The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water?

12 Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?”

13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,

14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

15 The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.”



¹ ¹ The Gospel of John ¹ ¹


John 3:3-8

3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’

8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”


John 6:47-51

47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.

48 I am the bread of life.

49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead.

50 This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die.

51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”



John 14:21

21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”



¹ ¹ The Gospel of John ¹ ¹


John 1:1-14

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 He was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

7 This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.

8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

9 That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.

10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.

11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:

13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.



¹ ¹ Psalmody ¹ ¹


w  Psalmody means singing psalms that have been translated into lyrical form for singing.

w  This year we will learn to sing AND SIGN four of the lyrical psalms on O Be Exalted High, O God DVD  w or w  audio download.  You don’t neeeeeeed to buy this, but buying one of these versions will help greatly with practicing these at home.

w  The first of the four has been graciously shared on YouTube.

w  . I learned of psalmody from studying the book,

The Family Worship Book by Terry L. Johnson, and then have spent more than a decade diving deeper using these resources: and

The music of Andrew Remillard

The music of Connor Quigley

The music of the Scottish Festival Singers

The four psalms we will be learning are:

Psalm 95:1-5 (Alexandria)

♫ Psalm 8 (Amsterdam) also SFS

♫ Psalm 104:16-23 (Ash Grove)

♫ Psalm 73:23-28 (Trust) CQ



¹ ¹ Show and Tell ¹ ¹


Show and Tell is your family’s opportunity to share inspiration with the other families. Please bring artwork or other enrichment to inspire and allow us to celebrate your journey with you! Of course this is completely optional, and there will not be trophies nor candy!




¹ ¹ Closing Announcements ¹ ¹


w  Turn in prayer requests!

w  More housekeeping.



¹ ¹ Closing Prayer ¹ ¹


For safety, for the week to come, and for prayer requests.




¹ ¹ Fellowship and Discussion ¹ ¹


w  Everyone is dismissed!

w  Go potty! Break out snacks or lunch!

w  Play in the splash pad!

w  There will be formal and informal conversation regarding our group literature reading, The Wind in the Willows, and informal conversation about Liberty topics.

w  And we will otherwise save the world, discuss Nevada birth politics, religion, husbands, conspiracy theories, TMI health topics, and everything else!


¹ ¹ The Wind in the Willows ¹ ¹


w  The Wind in the Willows – any original and unabridged edition is fine. There are free audiobook recordings on YouTube.

w  There are, conveniently, 12 chapters in this book. Let’s plan on reading a chapter per week!


w  My most dearest friends and sisters have a podcast devoted to reading excellent books!  The Literary Life Podcast begins discussing The Wind in the Willows at Episode 131.

w  And their Facebook podcast discussion group is here.

w  And their Patreon is here.


w  And the Rabbit Room should be mentioned here, Although it is not a reading group, per se, but saturated with the good, the true, and the beautiful. 


w  Also this and this.



¹ ¹ Liberty ¹ ¹

Here are three books that should really be read, shared, and discussed regarding Nevada birth politics and life, in general:

Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues by Ron Paul

Direct Citizen Action by James Ostrowski

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons by Timothy Snyder


There will be copies to borrow, but hopefully you will want to buy your own copy to refer back to and to share. 



¹ ¹ Notes ¹ ¹





¹ ¹ Notes ¹ ¹





¹ ¹ Notes ¹ ¹





¹ ¹ The End ¹ ¹



Welcome to The Riches 2022 – Pinkpeas’ help for mothers who are considering homeschooling or community/cooperative schooling.


w w Thank you for considering our little co-op!  w w

Whether you join us or not, please spread the word to other mothers who are considering their preschool or homeschool choices, and PLEASE PRAY for our success, as we come to your mind.

Corrine Flatt





If you ever have any

questions, concerns, or problems,

PLEASE call us right away!

Corrine – 702-822-2229

Kate – 702-203-4803

Maggie – 702-241-4753